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Hipnose ONLINE

Tudo no comfort from his home...

Sometimes it is not easy if organising, then compromises, journeys, unforeseen events, the client can be forced to come or go to some sexes without studying, returning or going on a holistic journey, but it is long and difficult.

In comparison with a traditional consulting room, do it with a professional online for the following advantages:

  • Você pode ter horários flexíveis

  • Você tem a confortidade de não precisear se dislocar

  • Voice saves time and money

  • Therapy is not as effective as traditional study therapy

Also dou aos meus clientes a possibilidade de modulate a therapy de accordo com as suas necessidades:

  • If necessary, we can agree to change the communication channel or integrate with chat sessions

  • At any moment, you can decide to have a presencial session in Sierre (Valais) VS Suíça, or I can travel (price to combine) at me directly to your home.

The online session requires through digitized hardware.

The online hipnologist is a professional who offers consultations via video calls (Skype, Meet, Zoom, etc...), telephone or audio calls, Chat (Whatsapp, Telegram and others), via e-mail.

Minha session is always carried out with safety and professionalism, it is as effective as an equivalent of traditional study. 

As a holistic operator, the types of services that we offer to my customers are mainly 2: holistic support, sincere interest in helping people.

Let's say that the professional but closest to the slow voice is not exactly for the voice: in the relationship with a holistic operator, mutual trust is more important than the possibility of keeping him at home.

Thanks to the convenience of technology, many people opt to go to me, with the advantage of facilitating the sessions, mainly for those with time or location difficulties, being able to go to a professional partner as well.

Se você se encontra em uma dessas situações:

  • Você tem pouco tempo (muitos compromissos, muitas viagens)

  • Você viaja com frequência (for reasons of study or work) or can't go home

  • Voice does not meet the voice of the figure that corresponds to your needs

então minha sessão online é a escolha mais adequada.

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